Xavitech is a Swedish company located in Härnösand, just a 30-minutes flight north of Stockholm. The area is famous as the High Coast with a constant land rising of up to 1 cm each year. In the company we have 10 years of experience in development and production of gas analysis systems and air sampling systems for medical and industrial field.


Xavitech AB (publ) ("Xavitech") har idag, den 6 november 2020, ingått avtal med Empir Group AB, org.nr 556313-5309 ("Säljaren"), om förvärv 

Xavitech develop and sells micro pumps with a unique technology  About XavitechXavitech AB (publ) has developed a unique pump technology for pumping air and gas. With a patented built-in optical control system and an  Stockopedia rates Xavitech AB as a Highly Speculative Style Neutral . brokers rate it as a 'Strong Buy'. Click to view NGM:XAVI B's StockReport. Stock analysis for Xavitech AB (XAVIB:Nordic GM) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. View today's stock price, news and analysis for Xavitech AB Series B (XAVI.B). Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices,  Latest Xavitech AB (XAVI B:NGM) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.

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Xavitech: Kallelse till årsstämma i Xavitech AB. Xavitech AB:s aktie handlas sedan den 29 mars 2017 på Nordic SME. Xavitech AB · February 26 ·. Now officially launched, a big welcome to the V100! Our smallest pump with great performance and a lifetime of 20 000h! The V100  Xavitech AB. Xavitech har utvecklat och patenterat skalbar pumpteknologi som för närvarande har huvudsakligt användningsområde i medicintekniska  Xavitech Micropumps AB | 154 följare på LinkedIn.

23 mar 2017 Nordic Growth Market (NGM-börsen) har beslutat att lista Xavitech AB (publ) (” Xavitech”) på. Nordic MTF. Första handelsdag är den 29 mars 

På Ratsit hittar du Telefonnummer Adress Årsredovisning m.m. Alltid uppdaterat. Xavitech AB med anledning av en förestående nyemission. definitioner I detta memorandum gäller följande definitioner om inget annat anges: ’Xavitech’ eller ’Bolaget’, avser Xavitech AB, med organisationsnummer 556675-2837.

Xavitech ab

Xavitech AB is a Sweden-based company, which manufactures, sales and markets micro pumps. The Company provides patented micro pumps for gases, with built-in processes and embedded software, for

The Company offers pumps and accessories for gas analysis and sampling, calibrated flow performance, and low flow pulsations. Xavitech serves Xavitech AB With a patented built-in optical control system and intelligent software, opportunities for miniaturization and cost rationalization are obtained. Xavitech offers pumps, development services and licensing of technology. Xavitech® AB’s business objective is to be the innovative world leader and the supplier of intelligent, cost-saving micro pumps with built-in control functions, and to also become one of the leading suppliers for micro pumps in gas-sampling products for both medical and the industrial market. Xavitech AB is a Sweden-based company, which manufactures, sales and markets micro pumps. The Company provides patented micro pumps for gases, with built-in processes and embedded software, for Xavitech is a Swedish company located in Härnösand, just a 30-minutes flight north of Stockholm.

Xavitech ab

Xavitech AB (publ) ("Xavitech") har idag, den 11 december 2020, genomfört förvärvet av 77 955 aktier i Frontwalker Group AB, org.nr  Vid stämman fattades beslut om att godkänna transaktionen med Xavitech AB (publ) ("Xavitech"), avseende avyttring av 77 955 aktier i  2021-04-09, Xavitech AB, Lars Kingelin, Styrelseledamot, Eget, Avyttring, Xavitech B, 3199, Antal.
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Han har arbetat i företaget sedan starten, först med produktutveckling och  Xavitech intelligent micro pumps · The micro pumps within this range are designed with low pulsations for use in gas and small particle sampling equipment. Find the latest AllianceBernstein Holding L.P. (AB) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Ägare, Kapital.%, Röster.%. Empir Group, 50,80%, 51,10%.

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XAVITECH AB (PUBL). XAVI B. End-of-day quote. End-of-day quote - 04/01.

The area is famous as the High Coast with a constant land rising of up to 1 cm each year. In the company we have 10 years of experience in development and production of gas analysis systems and air sampling systems for medical and industrial field. Xavitech Micropumps AB Xavitech Micropumps utvecklar kvalificerade mikropum­par för styrning och mätning av exakta flöden inom gas och luftanalys framför allt inom det medicintekniska området.

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Xavitech AB,556675-2837 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för Xavitech AB.

Handla aktien under namnet EMPIR B på Nasdaq Nordic Small Cap. Unik ägarinformation för svenska onoterade aktiebolag.