Irisity AB stock price. Today's OME:IRIS chart, history & news. Price: 61.00 SEK.


Irisity AB: Irisity and MOBOTIX enter into technology partnership, 2021-04-15 09:43. Irisity AB: Irisity has recruited a new international Enterprise Sales Executive 

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We combine Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from nine patented algorithms continuously detecting unauthorized human activity in any given picture. Irisity AB (publ) är ledande inom intelligent kameraövervakning. Med hjälp av proaktivt arbetande och självlärande algoritmer skapar Irisity kameralösningar som är speciellt anpassade för Irisity samarbetar med 36 säkerhetsbolag globalt där hittills sju stycken samarbeten har mynnat ut i att påbörja en kommersiell utrullning av Bolagets mjukvara IRIS. Dessa sju säkerhetsbolag estimeras av Analyst Group operera mellan 1,7 till 2,8 miljoner IP-kameror. Göteborg — Irisity AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North: IRIS) gör en väsentlig korrigering av tidigare rapporterad abonnemangsstock. Irisity och försena utrullningen av IRIS.

IRIS. SE0005365681. Nasdaq First North GM. Sweden (SE). Details of share in Irisity AB with ticker IRIS. Status. Active. Order book id. —. Amount of instruments.

Start a 14-day free trial to Morningstar Premium to unlock our take on IRIS. Get instant access to a free live streaming chart of the Irisity AB Stock. The chart is intuitive yet powerful, offering users multiple chart types including candlesticks, area, lines, bars and Irisity AB Annual stock financials by MarketWatch. View the latest IRIS financial statements, income statements and financial ratios.

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Stock Market API är en hypad resurs för aktienyheter Svenska börsen 10 KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I IRISITY AB (PUBL) - 2.

Irisity has been developing video analytics for more than ten years. Together with more than 100 companies. The information that has been processed by our algorithms to date and incorporated into our proprietary knowledge bank is vast. And while you read this, it grew yet another bit. Irisity AB (publ),556705-4571 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för Irisity AB (publ) Find the latest IRISITY AB (69M.BE) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.

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2021-04-15 Find the latest Irisity AB (IRIS.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. IRIS | Complete Irisity AB stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Stock analysis for Irisity AB (IRIS:FN Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Irisity AB (MIND) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Irisity AB (publ), formerly Mindmancer AB (publ), is a Sweden-based company active in the field of technology. It develops security solutions in the area of video surveillance, with cameras connected to certified alarm centrals, monitoring of the system, installation, automatic alarms and ongoing service.
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Erik Landolsi, CTO i Irisity, har genom bolaget  Irisity | 1 086 följare på LinkedIn.

Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. Irisity shows strong development within a rising t This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. “Irisity AB (publ) signs license agreement with Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd. Hikvision is the world’s largest supplier of innovative video surveillance products and solutions.
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OM:IRIS Income Statement March 26th 2020. We note that hedge funds don't have a meaningful investment in Irisity. The company's largest shareholder is Avanza Fonder AB, with ownership of 8.0%, With 6.2% and 5.1% of the shares outstanding respectively, Elos Medtech AB (publ) and Ulf Runmarker are the second and third largest shareholders.

Irisity AB engages in the development and sale of licenses, surveillance, and monitoring solutions. Its products include camera and security solutions for construction sites, schools, and other Stock analysis for Irisity AB (IRIS:FN Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

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2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website.

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