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The Lada Niva Legend, formerly called the Lada 4×4, Lada Niva or VAZ-2121 is an off-road new Lada Niva was further rebranded as Lada Niva Travel, while the old Lada Niva / 4×4, was rebranded as Lada Niva Legend in January 2021.

1,065 posts · 15.8k followers · 5,680 following · Photo by @niva.tuning on March 30, 2021. May be an  The Lada Niva Legend, formerly called the Lada 4×4, Lada Niva or VAZ-2121 is an off-road new Lada Niva was further rebranded as Lada Niva Travel, while the old Lada Niva / 4×4, was rebranded as Lada Niva Legend in January 2021. Дефлекторы боковых окон Cobra Tuning для Lada Niva Travel (2020-2021) № V0019 - купить в интернет-магазине Mirdopov.ru по выгодным ценам.

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Personalized tuning. SyncDrive Pro motor with 360 percent tunable support lets you fine-tune the ride just the way you want. Smart data control. New RideControl 

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SyncDrive Pro motor with 360 percent tunable support lets you fine-tune the ride just the way you want. Smart data control. New RideControl  Personalized tuning. SyncDrive Pro motor with 360 percent tunable support lets you fine-tune the ride just the way you want.