2016年2月15日 財産の殆どを失ったヴィクトコーラ家の最後の1人レクサス=ヴィクトコーラ( Rexus Victocora)であり、先程の集会の参加者の中から協力者
Rexus Victocora. Race: Human. Class: Aristocrat / Sorcerer. Alignment: Neutral Good. Because Destiny Says So: As a Destined Sorcerer, his magical bloodline derives its power from events to come. Break the Cutie: He undergoes this process in the first adventure, as his loving and supportive noble parents are killed by Asmodean redactors.
Back. Victocora Family Hell's Rebels Alternate Golarion rbash rbash Rexus Victocora: Dubious member of the Sacred Order of Archivists and our current benefactor. His family was killed and his home burned during the recent Night of Ashes. Shensen: Owner of the Silver Star, rumored to be a secret Sarenite shrine destroyed during the Night of Ashes.
share. save hide report. 100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Vittoria’s Journal: Hell’s Rebels Episode 1 Recap.
Vittoria’s Journal: Hell’s Rebels Episode 1 Recap. Jessica Peters 2021-01-15T19:00:53-06:00 January 15th, 2021 | Blog, Hell's Rebels Recaps| 2021-01-15T19:00:53-06:00 January 15th, 2021 | …
Let that boundless curiosity guide you today. Do not let our life’s work, and possibly our lives themselves, be lost in vain. Stand up for Kintargo. Bring the Silver Ravens back to life!
100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Vittoria’s Journal: Hell’s Rebels Episode 1 Recap. Jessica Peters 2021-01-15T19:00:53-06:00 January 15th, 2021 | Blog, Hell's Rebels Recaps| 2021-01-15T19:00:53-06:00 January Corthos then took Lena and Rexus (Max decided not to come) to meet with Belcara Jarvis and her sister Livia. Belcara was a very kind and pleasant woman, and she offered the rebellion 5,000 gold and a cache of maps that would help the Ravens move more secretly about the city. Rexus Victocora finishes translating the texts and says that the Fair Fortune items is a time capsule of sorts. Should Thrune come to Kintargo aggressively, they will surrender Kintargo peacefully and try to build a rebellion from within. Notes here are for odds and ends, like Quests summary, rumours heard, etc!
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Человек. Ученый и философ в чилийском городе Кинтарго и дворянин Дома Виктокора. Рубиновый принц Хемет III Фортбрингер.
Rexus Victocora is presumed dead when their estate burnt to the ground during the Night of Ashes.
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Rexus Victocora: Rexus is devastated to learn of the grisly fate of his parents if the PCs discovered their zombified corpses in Hocum's Fantasmagorium, and.
During the Night of Ashes, the Victocora Estate was burned to ground on the order of Barzillai Thrune, killing Baroness Porcia Victocora and effectively destroying the House despite the survival of the House's heir, Rexus Victocora. Barzillai Thrune's government had successfully captured Rexus Victocora, the heir of the Victocora noble family.
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Rexus Victocora: Dubious member of the Sacred Order of Archivists and our current benefactor. His family was killed and his home burned during the recent Night of Ashes. Shensen: Owner of the Silver Star, rumored to be a secret Sarenite shrine destroyed during the Night of Ashes.
-The Silver Ravens rescued Rexus Victocora from a public Excruciation as well as the tiefling Zea who helped the Silver Ravens solve the tiefling murders in the Devil’s Nursery.