Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale: Clinician's name (or ref) Patient's name (or ref) This questionnaire has been designed to give your therapist information as to how your knee pain has affected your ability to manage in everyday life.


The Lysholm correlated with the International Knee Documentation Committee (r = .8) and the Short Form-12 (r = .4), and Tegner correlated with the Short Form-12 (r = .2). Both scores had acceptable floor and ceiling effects and all hypotheses were significant. The Lysholm and Tegner were responsive to change at each of the time points.

Determinants of self-efficacy of knee function 1 year after ACL reconstruction knee symptoms with the Lysholm knee scoring scale and the knee injury and  TERMER PÅ ANDRA SPRÅK. Lysholm Knee Score. engelska. Lysholm Knee Scale. Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. Lysholm-polvimittari. finska  KOOS Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score Lysholm J, Gillquist J. Evaluation of knee ligament surgery results with special emphasis.

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Lysholm Knee Scale. Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. Lysholm-polvimittari. finska  KOOS Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score Lysholm J, Gillquist J. Evaluation of knee ligament surgery results with special emphasis. Läs recensioner, jämför kundbetyg, se skärmavbilder och läs mer om Knee Score. Hämta och upplev Knee Score på din iPhone, iPad och iPod  Lysholm knee score vid bedömning av knäfunktion 20 år efter främre Idag saknas det forskning om validiteten för Lysholm knee score lång tid efter skada. Improvement in Tegner Score, 24 Months.

like the Lysholm knee scoring scale (Tegner and Lysholm 1985), the Noyes or. Cincinnati knee ligament rating scale (Noyes et al. 1989), or the IKDC score.

Functional rating scales may have to be modified for articular cartilage repair. Lysholm Score Datum: _____ Name: _____ Geburtsdatum: _____ Der folgende Fragebogen dient der Erfassung von Beschwerden und Problemen, die durch Ihr Kniegelenk verursacht werden. my!knee! +2!

Lysholm knee score

Lysholm Knee Score J. Lysholm (1982), modificatie 1985 DOEL(GROEP): Evaluatieve vragenlijst. De Lysholm Knee Score is ontwikkeld voor het in kaart brengen van de mate van knie-instabiliteit op zowel stoornis- als op beperkingniveau. De Lysholm-score wordt gebruikt bij patiënten met een letsel van met name de voorste kruisband resulterend in knie-

Briggs KK, Kocher MS, Rodkey WG, Steadman JR J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006 Apr;88(4):698-705. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.E.00339. Lysholm Knee Questionnaire / Tegner Activity Scale. a) None.

Lysholm knee score

Date. TOTAL. ~/100. Instructions: Below are common complaints which people frequently have with their knee problems. Fill Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale Pdf, Edit online.
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SICOT J. 2019;5:6. doi: 10.1051/sicotj/2018054. Epub 2019 Mar 8. Arabic translation and validation of three knee scores, Lysholm Knee Score (LKS), Oxford Knee Score (OKS), and International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form (IKDC).

J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:698-705. Swanenburg J, Koch PP, Meier N, Wirth B. Function and activity in patients with knee arthroplasty: validity and reliability of a German version of the Lysholm Score and the Tegner Activity Scale. Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale is a patient completed questionnaire where each possible response to each of the 8 items has been assigned an arbitrary score on   19 Oct 2016 The Lysholm Knee Score (LKS) is widely used and is one of the most effective questionnaires employed to assess knee injuries.
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Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. De Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale is een vragenlijst bestaande uit 8 items die de patiënt samen met de therapeut invult.

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The Lysholm score is a 100-point scoring system for examining a patient's knee-specific symptoms including mechanical locking, instability, pain, swelling, stair climbing, and squatting. 22 Lysholm scores were used to assess outcome in 5 of the 6 studies.

Een hoge score op de Lysholm scorelijst komt overeen met een geringe 2014-07-03 Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. This questionnaire has been designed to give your therapist information as to how your knee pain has affected your ability to manage in everyday life. Please answer every question by placing a mark in the box that best describes your condition today. During the past 4 weeks The Lysholm score is a 100-point scoring system for examining a patient's knee-specific symptoms including mechanical locking, instability, pain, swelling, stair climbing, and squatting. 22 Lysholm scores were used to assess outcome in 5 of the 6 studies. The Lyshom Knee Scoring Scale is a patient-reported instrument that consists of subscales for pain, instability, locking, swelling, limp, stair climbing, squatting, and the need for support. Scores range from 0 (worse disability) to 100 (less disability).